Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Robert Dayton gives a very thorough and complete review of NIGHT BUSINESS, ISSUES 1 TO 3 and briefly touches on GANGSTA RAP POSSE. Robert nails many of my influences on NIGHT BUSINESS and makes some observations about NIGHT BUSINESS' relationship to the Black-&-White comic boom that surrounded Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It never really occurred to me when I was making NIGHT BUSINESS that it would echo the comics that first appealed to me, specifically Darick Robertson's SPACE BEAVER. But more and more I realize it may have been an unconscious decision, to make a comic that reflected that time as it was an era that had profound effect on me during some formative years.

Here's some of Robert's words from the review:
... [I]t is certainly accomplished. There is a deceptive stiffness that works for it giving the comic a crackle of intensity/removal play. The grid form gives the panels a voyeuristic quality. Yet these panels have a rhythmic staccato flow. They occasionally open up for wide shots, such as the sequence of one of the strippers in the ballet studio. All through each of her sweeping movements she looks like a hood ornament. All of the characters themselves seem to be composed of taut, molded clay with faces that look like grinning skulls.
Thanks very much for the review Robert.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Over at Comic Book Resources, my favorite source for comic-book news of the mainstream variety, Timothy Callahan mentions his appreciation of the TRADITIONAL COMICS titles in his recent "When Words Collide" column. Tim runs down his experience at both the MoCCA fest and Boston Comic Con which occurred during the same weekend. (I don't know how he did it. I get tired standing in one place during a con, but Tim's walking all over two cons in two cities. Zow). You can check out the full article here. Tim wrote some kind words. I share:
I bought all the comics of Benjamin Marra - those were my first big purchases. You may know Marra from his unforgettable video promo for Traditional Comics (actually called "American Tradition Comics" according to the covers of his books), or maybe you've never heard of him at all, but know this: I spent plenty of money on comics over the weekend, and "Gangsta Rap Posse" #1 was the issue I enjoyed the most. And "Night Business" was a delight as well. Hilariously garish and excessively exploitative, Marra's comics are the kind of things Mark Millar aspires to be.
Ha! Take that Mark Millar! It is indeed TRADITIONAL COMICS, Tim. I abandoned American Tradition Comics as not to be confused with Jeff Katz's American Original company. Plus, TRADITIONAL COMICS sounds more generic and I love generic.

Thank you, Tim, for the awesome mention in your column. The appreciation is mutual. Check out more of Tim's columns here. And check out his blog here.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

MoCCA 2010

MoCCA 2010 is happening this Saturday and Sunday, April 10th and 11th. TRADITIONAL COMICS will be spending it with our brothers at the Mammal Magazine table (see map image). You'll be able to get all four TRADITIONAL COMICS comic books for just $10. I'll also be available to sign any copies upon request. Details from MoCCA about the show can be found here.